Cyberattacks that start with One Click - Velox Systems

Cyberattacks that start with One Click

We all receive a plethora of emails daily at work. Did you know that email is one of the primary gateways for breaches in your company? Most of these cyberattacks start within one second, with one click.

At Velox Systems, we have a client whose employee received a phishing email. Unfortunately, the employee went to click on the email, giving the malicious actor access to their account. The attacker then sent messages to other company employees, impersonating the compromised user.

Velox Systems stepped in, revoking the individual’s sessions, resetting their password, and removing the malicious actor’s phone number from the account. We also conduct phishing awareness campaigns throughout the year, training employees on how to identify malicious emails and communications. Since then, no malicious emails have been opened, and the company has avoided the catastrophic financial and reputational damage a breach could cause.

Even with a robust IT system, cybersecurity is a complex field requiring specialists. That’s where Velox Systems comes in. We will utilize well-researched tools  we have expertise at navigating to keep you safe 24/7. Continuing education is a huge priority for our experts, so we stay up-to-date and ahead of the curve. End story: we got you covered.

Let’s chat more and help you avoid a breach.