At Velox Systems, we like to stay ahead of the security curve. This means researching, testing, and providing you with cutting-edge security expertise and tools.
We are excited to announce the launch of two new security packages, Basic and Advanced, utilizing the best and most up-to-date products.
Basic Package
Our basic package includes AV and EDR. Both of these tools allow for seamless integration into your system, allow for rapid cyber-attack responses, and utilize up to six months of data to hunt for further threats. Endpoint malicious footholds, an often-overlooked indicator of an attack, is carefully looked for, with actionable recommendations and instructions for removal.
The AV works as a cloud-powered endpoint security solution that helps to secure against ransomware, file-less malware, and other sophisticated attacks.
What is an endpoint?
- Device on a network
Endpoint protection- protection of two specific devices end-to-end in their encrypted conversations.
- Even though encrypted, an attacker can intercept that transmission and invade your system.
AV is :
- Cloud-based, no additional infrastructure/agents to deploy on your Windows endpoints.
- Seamlessly integrates with automatic updates.
- Leverages client and cloud-based Machine Learning with behavioral algorithms to detect and block known and unknown threats.
- Provides security teams with the ability to hunt for compromises over six months of historical data, so in-house IT can build their own custom hunting queries and custom detections.
- Helps to rapidly stop attacks, scale your security resources, and evolve your defenses.
The EDR differentiates itself in its search for security threats by focusing on an often-overlooked indicator called an endpoint malicious foothold. Imagine a castle under siege. If an attacker can raise a ladder against the wall, that attacker establishes a foothold that each subsequent attacker can follow.
The EDR works and provides the benefits of:
- Seeking out footholds and delivering actionable recommendations with instructions for removal.
- Being cloud-based, simple to deploy and manage.
- Updates are automatically rolled out and the EDR slides into any present security stack.
- The ThreatOps portion involves a human team reviewing thousands of new persistence mechanisms and hunting for malicious footholds.
- The Assisted Remediation offering allows you to approve the automatic execution of targeted elimination actions by the EDR agent.
- Monthly/quarterly threat reports justify the value of security to your stakeholders.
Advanced Package
Our advanced package comprises NG AV/EDR. Building on the offerings of our basic package, the advanced offering provides differentiated security in endpoint protection, detection, and response, IoT security, cloud security, and IT operations capabilities.
Next-generation antivirus and rollback detection takes automatic action against threats. The technology can also be used in a plethora of device types including agents for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Kubernetes.
The NG AV/EDR provides:
- Differentiated security in endpoint protection, detection, and response, IoT security, cloud security, and IT operations capabilities.
- Next-generation antivirus and rollback detection takes automatic action against threats.
- Powerful consolidation of multiple existing technologies into one solution.
- The technology can be used in a plethora of device types including agents for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Kubernetes
- Can support a variety of form factors including physical, virtual, VDI, customer data centers, hybrid data centers, and cloud service providers.
- Utilizes a SaaS, sets up your network, and detects issues in correspondence between a user and the intended receiver. Service that detects anomalies and provides corrective action.
Learn More About our Packages